Iss Das! 5.0

The fifth season of our popular webinar series Iss Das! (Eat That!) took place in the summer semester, 2023. The “nutrition in medicine” series was organised by the PAN University Groups and features speakers from a wide range of disciplines. The topics covered include insights into sports nutrition, cardiometabolic diseases, and the influence of diet on the gut microbiome.

The series was acknowledged as an elective course for medical students of Aachen University, LMU Munich, the University of Regensburg, and Ulm University.

Check our events page for more information about upcoming webinars and educational events for medical students.

Disclaimer: Any views, thoughts, and opinions expressed by guest speakers in our webinar recordings are solely that of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, policies, or position of the Physicians Association for Nutrition.

Webinar #1

Language: German
Topic: Ernährung in der Medizin und ihre Bedeutung für Mensch und Planet Gesundheit
Speakers: Niklas Oppenrieder, Dr. med. Kristin Hünninghaus
Date: April 18, 2023

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Webinar #2

Language: German
Topic: Einfluss der Ernährung auf das Mikrobiom
Speaker: Jun-.Prof. Dr. Marie-Christine Simon, Prof. Dr. Christian Sina 
Date: April 25, 2023

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Webinar #3

Language: German
Topic: Prävention und Therapie der Adipositas
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Christina Holzapfel
Date: May 2, 2023

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Webinar #4

Language: German
Topic: Ernährung und Kardiometabolische Erkrankungen
Hosts: Prof. Dr. Matthias Schulze
Date: May 9, 2023

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Webinar #5

Language: German
Topic: Culinary Medicine Events #1 – Die Kraft Ihrer Küche
Speakers: Cirus Henn, Surdham Göb
Date: May 16, 2023

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Webinar #6 did not take place.

Webinar #7

Language: German
Topic: Ernährung in der Pädiatrie
Speakers:  Dr. med. Gonza Ngoumou & Dr. Axel Enninger
Date: May 30, 2023

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Webinar #8

Language: German
Topic: Sport und Ernährung
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Karsten Köhler, Lucas Thurnherr 
Date: June 6, 2023

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Webinar #9

Language: German
Topic: Unser Essalltag – eine kleine Einführung in ernährungspsychologische Aspekte
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Nanette Ströbele-Benschöp, Prof. Dr. André Kleinridders 
Date: June 13, 2023

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Webinar #10

Language: German
Topic: Culinary Medicine Event #2 – Psychologische Aspekte der Ernährung und des Kochens
Hosts: Cirus Henn, Surdham Göb
Date: June 20, 2023

This content is available to PAN Members only. Please log in or join the PAN Member Community to view this content.

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