Easy Plant-Based Swaps

Make your transition to a whole food, plant-based diet stick. Explore delicious and easy plant-based swaps to add more plants to your plate.

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Diet: A Physician’s Guide

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Diet: A Physician’s Guide By Carlijn Wagenaar, MD and Wendy Walrabenstein, RD from PAN The Netherlands. Sign up for our related video course  “Doctor, what should I eat to reduce my joint complaints?” “What can I do to prevent my disease from...

Carbohydrates: A Complex or Simple Matter?

Are carbohydrates essential for our health? Do low-carb diets yield greater weight loss? What benefits do whole plant-based foods provide? Find out the answers to these questions and more in this blog post.

You, your diet and your microbiome

The relationship between our health, our dietary choices, and our gut microbiome is a fascinating topic of research. We are only starting to understand the deep connection between the microbiome and our health. Throughout human evolution, we have cooperated with microorganisms, borrowing their genes as evolutionary shortcuts to acquire new capabilities.