Physicians Association for Nutrition The Netherlands

Find out more about the PAN team in the Netherlands and their activities here.
Visit the Website (In Dutch)

About PAN The Netherlands

Physicians Association for Nutrition the Netherlands (PAN The Netherlands) was established in 2020 as part of the PAN International network. Similarly to the other branches, our goal is to increase awareness about the power of healthy (evidence-based) nutrition. We believe health professionals are often unaware and undereducated about the effect of healthy nutrition on disease prevention. As a result, healthy nutrition is not a standard part of health care in the Netherlands.

By increasing and thus applying this knowledge we can save many healthy life years. Our association aims to do so by educating students and healthcare professionals, providing evidence-based information for the general public and patients and expanding our (inter)national network.

We have around 50 branch members, and an active support group on Facebook of 120 health professionals. Visit our website (in Dutch) for more information about how you can get involved in the PAN The Netherlands community.

Our Goals

Our Goals


Educating students and healthcare professionals.


Supporting patients with lifestyle changes.


Expanding our (inter)national network

Meet the Team of PAN The Netherlands

Meet the Team of PAN The Netherlands

Carlijn Wagenaar, MD


MD and PhD researcher at Reade Rheumatology and Amsterdam University Medical Center. Investigates the influence of a plant-based lifestyle program on patients with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, especially the microbiome and implementation in healthcare.

Anna Kretova, dietitian


Dietician researcher at Reade Rheumatology in Amsterdam. Dietitian in cardiac rehabilitation and rheumatology and as a researcher in the Diego study (A DIEt for the treatment of GOut) investigating the effect of a whole-food plant-based diet in patients with gout.

Wendy Walrabenstein, RD


Dietician and PhD researcher at Reade Rheumatology in Amsterdam and Amsterdam University Medical Center. Investigates the effect of a plant-based lifestyle program on people with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Author of the book “Food Body Mind” which addresses the effects of lifestyle on inflammation and ageing, lecturer in Nutrition & Dietetics at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, but also an economist with 15 years of experience in the international financial world.

Walter Bouwmans, GP

General board member

Lifestyle-minded general practitioner with his own practice in the providence Noord Holland. T. Colin Campbell / eCornell Certified in Plant-based Nutrition. Initiator of Plant-based Caregivers group and co-founder of PAN Nederland.

Myrthe Frissen, MD

General board member

MD and PhD researcher in neurology and specializing in medical environmental science. Focuses on disease prevention and health promotion and is committed to improving our living environment, food system, and combating climate change. Founder of Vegetables Without Borders (2017) and a member of Care for Climate (2020).

Anneke van Veen, pulmonologist, PhD

General board member

Pulmonologist and educates pulmonology residents at the CWZ in Nijmegen. A passion for not only a healthy lifestyle and nutrition but also the digitization of healthcare.

Sophie van Asselt, gastroenterologist, PhD

General board member

Gastroenterologist at the Martini Hospital in Groningen. Completed a PhD in new imaging strategies for neuroendocrine tumours.