How to Screen and Judge the Scientific Literature
By Dr. Miriam Sonntag from the PAN Academy – our online learning platform where you can learn all about nutrition science. Do you want to know more about this topic? Check out Module 3 “Evaluation of Nutrition Studies” where we go into many more details about how to navigate the world of science literature.
Planning your search
No one can read all the books, articles, and other printed material related to a given area of nutrition science. You need to be selective. Not everything written about your questions is relevant to you.
You need to discriminate between relevant and irrelevant information as efficiently as possible. A deliberate, well-organized approach can save you much time and energy.
But how do you get started? Take a look at our six practical tips on how to plan your search into the scientific literature on nutrition studies.
Is the paper worth reading?
There is plenty of information available on any subject. Here is how to skim each paper to determine whether it’s worth your time.
Evaluating the literature
It is often difficult to be selective. Here are six questions that help you to judge the credibility and relevance of each paper.
Image: Stages of Alzheimer’s disease and some of the symptoms during each stage.
Additional Information:
Dr Miriam Sonntag is the Medical Content Executive of the online learning platform, PAN Academy. Having worked in basic research, she knows how to decipher complex information. Working now at PAN, she scans and pours over scientific papers and books. She breaks down the latest nutritional research into actionable advice for everyday life. She is committed to sharing the bigger picture of why it is good to put more plants on your plate.
Hart C. Doing a Literature Search. A Comprehensive Guide for Social Science. London: Sage Publications; 2001.
McCombes, S. (2023, January 02). How to Write a Literature Review | Guide, Examples, & Templates. Scribbr. Retrieved March 8, 2023, from