Encourage healthy eating on your campus.
We offer funding opportunities for medical students to promote and serve whole food, plant-based food on their campuses around the globe.

If you’re a student eager to promote the health benefits of plant-based meals – not to mention how great it can taste, PAN can help.
The Green Food Experience offers all the tools and resources you need to help friends and peers experience learn about the impact of nutrition on health and the environment – while experiencing firsthand just how delicious a plant-based meal can be.
Why host a Green Food Experience?
Get Funding
Green Food Experience offers grants to cover food costs for events, helping you raise awareness about nutrition and promote environmental health initiatives.
Promote Planetary Health
Excluding animal products from your diet is the single biggest step any one of us can make to reduce our food-related emissions.
Make a Difference on Your Campus
A whole food, plant-based eating pattern significantly lessens the risk of all non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.
The Green Food Experience grant, is open to medical students or members of a PAN University Group, who complete an application form. In order to receive the grant, the event should:
Have at least 10 participants
Must offer healthy, plant-based dishes
Offers a menu, ideally prepared by the host and/or guests
PAN can provide a Recipe Guide and other resources, or feel free to design your own menu (although homemade, healthy, plant-based food is the best option, you can also choose catering services, takeaways or restaurants – but make sure they offer plant-based options, of course)
Must be duly reported and meet all the requirements included in our Host Guide (quick tip: keep your receipts and take good pictures)
Are you ready to get started?
Learn More
Please consult our Host Guide to evaluate whether this event is suitable for your group's specific needs and preferences.
Submit Application
Fill out the application form and submit it via our website to ensure your request is processed efficiently
Host Your Event
Use the tools and recipes in your toolkit to plan the perfect event and promote it on your campus
Submit Report
Send us a detailed report (event impact, guest reactions, information about the food you shared)
Get Reimbursed
Once your follow-up report is submitted and you’ve met Host Guide requirements, you’ll be reimbursed for food-related expenses.
Download our exclusive resources to elevate your event planning today!
Are you ready to host an unforgettable Green Food Experience?
Whether you're just brainstorming ideas or deep in the planning process, check out this inspiring gallery for fresh concepts and vibrant inspiration!