Health Disclaimer

Physicians Association for Nutrition e.V. (PAN e.V.) provides health information on a scientific basis with the utmost care. However, this can not and should not replace individual expert advice from doctors and/or other health professionals on the subject areas. PAN e.V. is not liable for any damage caused by the use of the information available on this website. The information offered can not and should not replace individual expert advice from doctors and/or other health professionals on the subject areas. In particular, the diagnosis and treatment of physical or mental illness requires the involvement of qualified physicians. Self-diagnosis and/or the decision for or against treatments or therapies without the involvement of a doctor is dangerous and can cause serious damage to health or even death. The information pages also contain the results of scientific research. Please note that statistics are generally not suitable for predicting the actual occurrence or non-occurrence of an event or outcome (e.g. the success of a treatment). They alone reflect a degree of probability. Statistics can be included as important information in decision-making, but are not intended to be the sole criterion and can not substitute individual counseling by a doctor on a case-by-case basis.