Dawn Moncrief
Founder & President of A Well-Fed World
Dawn Moncrief is the founder and president of A Well-Fed World, an international hunger relief and food security organization advancing the benefits of plant-based foods and farming. She is a graduate of the Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership and holds two master’s degrees from The George Washington University: one in International Relations, the other in Women's Studies – both with a focus on economic development. For more than two decades, her work has highlighted the ways in which the consumption and production of animal-sourced foods increase economic disparities and exacerbate global hunger, especially for women and girls. She also draws attention to the devastating impact of animal agriculture as a major driver of natural resource depletion and climate destruction. Dawn is the board chair of ProVeg International, board chair of Beyond Carnism, and co-chair of the Food and Climate Alliance. She has presented throughout the U.S., U.K., Europe, and Africa. Her publications include contributions in: Food Justice: A Primer; Striking at the Roots; Circles of Compassion; and The Reducetarian Solution.

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