General Information
- Vitamin C is water-soluble and cannot be produced by the body (making it an essential vitamin). It is not stored in the body and must therefore be consumed in sufficient amounts every day.
- Intake levels are generally adequate in Central Europe and the United States.
- Certain groups, however, have higher intake requirements and should therefore pay particular attention to their intake of vitamin C (e.g., smokers, those with excessive alcohol consumption).
Why Do We Need Vitamin C?
Vitamin C is a bit of an all-rounder and is involved in countless bodily processes. Some of these include:
- Antioxidation: protects fats, proteins, nucleic acids, and the cell membrane from oxidative damage
- Key role in collagen synthesis: important for the structure and maintenance of skin, connective tissue, bones, and teeth; also important for wound healing
- Important for the immune system
- Improves iron absorption in the intestine and thus indirectly promotes blood formation
- Important for activating folic acid and vitamin D
- Anti-allergic effect, acts as an antihistamine (supports histamine breakdown, stabilizes mast cells)
- Plays a role in detoxification (functionalization of harmful substances)
- Plays a role in the formation of neurotransmitters (serotonin, noradrenaline)
- Plays a role in the synthesis of glucocorticoids in the adrenal gland (stress response
Possible Causes of Deficiency
Inadequate intake:
- Daily diet contains too few foods containing vitamin C (see below)
- Incorrect storage and preparation of food
Increased requirements:
- Pregnancy, lactation
- Growth
- Infections
- Injuries
- Hemodialysis
- Smoking, high alcohol consumption
- Competitive sports, stress
Reduced absorption:
- Gastrointestinal disorders, e.g., gastritis, ulcers, Crohn’s disease
- Interaction with medications (impairs absorption/utilization): e.g., antacids, antibiotics, ASA, glucocorticoids, diuretics, contraceptives, NSAID, PPI, tetracyclines
Symptoms of Deficiency
- General: listlessness, aching limbs, joints, performance pain, fatigue
- Blood: anemia (often iron-refractory)
- Immune system: susceptibility to infections, immune depression, increased histamine sensitivity
- Skeletal muscles: muscle weakness, muscle pain (lack of carnitine)
- Psyche: moodiness, depression
- Wounds: Wound healing disorder
- Teeth: bleeding gums, inflammation of the gums, periodontitis, tooth decay, loss of teeth
Recommended Intakes
Recommended intake for adults:
According to D-A-CH:
- Women 95 mg/day, men 110 mg/day, smokers 135 mg/day (women) or 155 mg/day (men)
USA Food and Nutrition Board (FNB):
- Women 75 mg/day, men 90 mg/day; smokers add + 35 mg/day
Pregnant women (> 19 years):
- According to D-A-CH: 105 mg/day
- USA Food and Nutrition Board (FNB): 85 mg/day
Breastfeeding women:
- According to D-A-CH: 125 mg/day
- USA Food and Nutrition Board (FNB): 120 mg/day
Adolescents and children depending on age, see
The Best Plant Sources (per 100 g)
Since vitamin C is very reactive, the vitamin C content of foods can vary significantly depending on the duration and location of food storage, and on the food’s processing and preparation. Vitamin loss after 2 days of storage (for example): refrigerator 30%, cellar 40%, pantry 50%.
This list therefore only provides some guidance about which types of food are good sources.
- Acerola, raw – 1500 mg
- Raw rosehip – 1250 mg
- Sea buckthorn juice – 266 mg
- Currants, black – 189 mg
- Red pepper – 140 mg
- Green peppers – 115 mg
- Kale – 105 mg
- Broccoli, raw – 110 mg
- Brussels sprouts, cooked – 87 mg
- Kohlrabi – 63 mg
- Strawberry – 57 mg
- Lemon – 51 mg
- Spinach – 51 mg
- Arugula – 47 mg
- Cauliflower, cooked – 45 mg
- Orange – 45 mg
- Corn salad – 35 mg
- Tangerine – 30 mg
- Blueberry – 22mg
- Tomato – 19 mg
- Parsley (10g) – 16 mg
- Potato, cooked – 14 mg
- Apple – 12 mg
Gröber, U. (2011): Mikronährstoffe. Metabolic Tuning – Prävention – Therapie (3. Auflage). Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Stuttgart
Biesalski, H.K., Bischoff, S.C., Pirlich, M., Weidmann, A., (2018). Ernährungsmedizin – Nach dem Curriculum Ernährungsmedizin der Bundesärztekammer (5.Auflage). Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag
Schmiedel, V. (2019): Nährstofftherapie – Orthomolekulare Medizin in Prävention, Diagnostik und Therapie (3.Auflage). Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag